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Welcome to your hei.service!

We at hei. want to be at your side and give you the best possible support when you start out on your own. We have therefore developed a plan which will help you reach your goal in four steps. Just click and get started!

By the way: if you are looking for the right contacts and offers in Hamburg for your start-up plan, you can also consult our WHO IS WHO.

1. hei.personal consultation

Welcome to hei.personal consultation!

Anyone wanting to start a business will have a million and one questions in their mind. We offer you a free initial personal consultation to help you find the first answers. Just put your ideas and questions down in a few lines in an email – we will then be happy to contact you and suggest a date and time.

Please arrange a meeting by filling out our contact form (in German only).

2. hei.expert sessions

The hei.expert sessions offer practical insights and valuable know-how directly from experts.

You will receive targeted information on relevant topics relating to your start-up in order to make informed decisions and successfully advance your start-up.

In monthly 30-minute video meetings, you can discuss your questions directly with experts and receive concrete solutions for entrepreneurial challenges. The 1:1 sessions provide valuable expertise, promote dialogue and support the targeted further development of your own company. Register here

3. hei.seminar program

Self-employment can be learned. There is a seminar programme for it!

Together with hei., the City of Hamburg offers you a special seminar programme which is supported by a EUR 500 grant. To receive the grant you must meet the following criteria: the start-up’s future place of business must be Hamburg, you must have been self-employed for no more than two years, you must have sufficient expertise. You can register for the hei.seminar program by filling out the application form (in German only). Find the program online here.

4. hei.networking

Meet, exchange and network!

Once a month, we host our hei.frühstück! Experts give inspirational insights on startup-related topics, and afterward, all participants have the opportunity to network in a relaxed atmosphere. Invitations to the event are sent via email. If you’re interested in participating, please fill out our contact form.

With hei.gründerinnen, we offer a network exclusively for women. Our goal is to connect female founders from our advisory services during their preparation phase or the early stages of their business. If you’re interested, feel free to contact us by phone or via our contact form.

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